Trusted by 2,500+ companies

CRM Pricing

UpStreamCloud Vs Basecamp

Price $39 /Month $99 /Month
Unlimited Users
Chat & Email Support
Task Lists
Notes, Discussions & Comments
Calendar, Milestones & Events
Project Templates
Recurring Tasks
Client Collaboration
Automatic Check-ins
Dashboard & Reports
G Suite Integration
Advanced Search
Tagging and @Mentions
Notifications (email & in-app)
Email Forwards
Zapier Integration
Private Items
QuickBooks Integration
XERO Integration
Time Tracking
Granular Permissions
Sales Management CRM
Sales Forecasting CRM
Lead Capture Forms CRM
Contact Management CRM
Employee Leave Management HRM
Team Noticeboard HRM

Basecamp does not offer a “private items” feature within the team.

Basecamp Alternative

Private Items [Tasks, Files, Discussions]

In UpStreamCloud, you have the option to keep projects, tasks, conversations & files private to create a safe space for sensitive work. Not only can you keep items private from clients, you can also keep things private from your team members.
Example: You can set the privacy on a task list so that only certain people on the project are able to see it. When a task list is made private, all the tasks in the list will inherit the privacy you have set for the task list.

Basecamp does not offer time tracking or integration with accounting apps like Quickbooks and Xero.


Time Tracking & Invoices

Track the time your team spends on each project with UpStreamCloud’s time tracking feature. Estimate the time you think you'll need to complete tasks and then log your actual time against it.
UpStreamCloud also offers seamless integration with the largest accounting platforms: QuickBooks and XERO. Easily export project timesheet entries to create invoices from within UpStreamCloud. Link invoices to milestones (coming soon) and track payments.

Basecamp’s bulk edit feature is limited to assigning & deleting tasks.


Bulk Edit

A better way of managing multiple tasks. Instead of editing tasks individually, UpStreamCloud’s Bulk Edit feature allows users to update details of multiple tasks at once. Bulk edit will help you re-assign tasks, change due dates, log time and do much more.

Basecamp does not offer sales management or CRM.


Sales Management

UpStreamCloud CRM is the easiest sales tool to implement.
Built around a proven sales pipeline management methodology: You get complete visibility of your deals across different stages. Quickly see how many deals are in each stage, sort and filter by their expected close date, make smart decisions and stay in control of a complex sales process.

Basecamp does not offer contact management or CRM. However they do offer integration with third-party tools.


Contact Management

Get a bird's-eye view of everything you know about the people, and companies that you do business with. Easily import contacts from Outlook, Gmail, vCard, spreadsheets or any CSV file. You also have the option to sync your contacts with Google contacts and Mailchimp.



ISTAR INTERNET TECH DEVELOPMENT INCludes a simple, intuitive HRM application focusing on people, not paper. Increase productivity, automate processes and avoid human error. Features include:

  • Employee leave management
  • Noticeboard
  • Employee directory

If you’re looking for a project management tool other than Basecamp you’ll soon find out one thing: So. Many. Options.

The search can be overwhelming, even though you can do the exact same work in a superior platform for a lower cost.

So while you’re looking, don’t forget the goal: to get more done in a productive way that your entire team loves using. The easier the business management software, the more time there is to actually get things done.

All information, prices, and data correct as of April 2019. To report any incorrect or outdated information, please get in touch with us.