
Organize your work

  • Plan and structure every project: break it down into smaller, manageable “tasks”.
  • Reorder tasks based on priority by simply clicking on them and dragging up or down in the task list.
  • Bring emails, files, conversations, and more (100+ integrations) into UpStreamCloud. See everything in one place.

Collaborate with your Team

Work with your team on tasks to get them completed on time. Each task can have important details like description, files, tags, discussions, estimates and more. You can edit, copy, move or repeat tasks.

Get your files organized

Project specification, wireframes, documents, licenses, and more. Keep them secure, shared, and organized via tags. Import files directly from Google Drive OR Dropbox. Keep files private between you and your team for internal review until they are ready to be shown to your client.

Share Notes and Ideas

The “Notes” section allows you to write a formatted text page that can be revised and edited by other members within the project. Notes can be used to write pretty much anything from a press release, to website content, to even keeping track of your thoughts and ideas during a project.

Collaborate with Clients

UpStreamCloud is great for client service businesses. Encourage clients to collaborate on projects, assign new tasks and keep track of progress. You always have the option to keep things private, and control what each client can see.

Deliver on time

Give your team clarity on what needs to be done, and by when.

  • Create project milestones and link them to specific “task lists”
  • Set due-dates for assigned tasks
  • Set notifications & email reminders for milestones (and events)

Estimate and track time spent on projects

  • Compare your estimates with actual time logged for tasks
  • Create custom reports of time logged on a project or across multiple projects
  • Export your timesheet entries to Quickbooks or download as Excel, CSV, and PDF

Don’t reinvent the wheel: Use Templates!

Turn frequently-used messages, events, tasks, and docs into a project template. Use the template for projects you repeat over and over. No need to start from scratch each time!

Share info with the right people. Control what they can do.

  • You have the option to keep projects, tasks, conversations & files private to create a safe space for sensitive work
  • With custom roles, you can define different access levels for team members based on their responsibilities

Reports & Dashboard

Gain instant visibility and insights you need to make more informed decisions in real-time. Spot issues before things go off-track.

Other Features

Tags on Everything

Group everything into specific categories with Tags. This will aid with filter and search functions. Use “Tags” with projects, tasks, files and more.


Get email notifications and browser alerts (In-app) for tasks, messages, comments, @mentions, and more. Everything you need to know, so you never miss a thing.

Bulk Edit

A better way of managing multiple tasks. Instead of editing tasks individually, you can now update details of multiple tasks at once with bulk edit. Bulk edit will help you re-assign tasks, change due dates, log time and much more in few simple steps.

Project Status

Every project manager wants to know if a project is on-track, slightly delayed or critical. At UpStreamCloud, our long-term vision is to help small businesses to track performance and take better decisions with the help of machine learning.

Advanced Search

Sometimes you don't know exactly where an important file was uploaded, or you're hunting for that conversation you know you had with your client last month (it's in here somewhere!). You can search through messages, tasks, and files across all projects to find what you need.


Your Progress page is a timeline of all the activity in your projects. It's updated in real time, and contains info about who’s completing work, kicking off new discussions, commenting on existing conversations, answering questions, etc. Scroll down to see everything in the order it happened.

Forward Emails

The ability to forward emails to your project is especially useful when there's a conversation happening outside UpStreamCloud. If your project members start drifting toward using email, forwarding email is a great way to bring the conversation into UpStreamCloud. Forwarded emails are stored along with all your other project items.