
Visual Sales Pipeline

Get complete visibility of your deals across different stages. Quickly see how many deals are in each stage, sort and filter by their expected close date, make smart decisions and stay in control of a complex sales process.

List View

Just like an interactive spreadsheet, the deals “List View” allows you to choose which columns are displayed, in what order, and how they are displayed. Features include bulk-editing, sorting, click-and-drag columns, data export & advanced filters.

Sales Forecasting

Forecasting helps you to pick the right deals and activities to focus on.

  • Useful for salespeople and their managers
  • Allows effective sales planning

Email Integration

Connect emails automatically to your contacts and deals, so you'll have a full overview of everything that's happening with a prospect in one place.

  • Forward your emails via Smart Email BCC
  • Use Gmail? Install our add-on and turn Gmail into a Sales Machine!
  • You decide if conversations are private or shared (with your sales team)

Activities & Tasks

Everything in UpStreamCloud CRM is built around activity-based selling.

  • Take the actions that matter
  • Fully customisable activity types
  • Built in reminders and notifications

Customize your CRM

Customizable for any type of sales process.

  • Create custom pipelines (for territories, business segments, etc) and define stages for each pipeline. Control access to who can view which pipeline in your organization.
  • Create powerful filters for your deals using multiple conditions (ex: deal value, country, activities)
  • Create Custom Fields to add more data to deals. There are a number of different formats of fields available (Ex: commission, estimates, delivery dates, etc)
  • Build custom features or integrate with any software via UpStreamCloud’s API.

Setup & Track Sales Goals

Goals are a great way of keeping track of your personal and team sales objectives. Easily define sales targets for each team member, and then track key performance metrics: Value and Quantity of deals advanced (or Won)

Sales Reports

Actionable insights close more deals. UpStreamCloud helps you focus on the metrics that matter.

  • Understand your pipeline: Are you on track for this month’s targets? or do you need to make a drastic correction to your sales process?
  • Measure individual and team performance: See all sales activity for each member of your team. Get a big picture understanding of your entire team’s activity for any given time period, and benchmark individual rep performance against it.

Collaborate with your team

One-to-one sales are easy, but when your team is trying to sell to a client with multiple decision-makers, then everything becomes more complex. We make it easy for your sales team to collaborate; delegating and sharing actions, notifying others when important notes are stored. Making sure you handle clients efficiently, to ultimately win more deals.

Share info with the right people. Control what they can do.

  • You have the option to keep pipelines, deals, tasks, conversations & contacts private to create a safe space for sensitive work
  • With custom roles, you can define different access levels for team members based on their responsibilities

Web Forms (Lead-capturing tool)

Web forms are fully customizable and you can collect information that’s relevant to your business. The forms are intuitive, requiring just a few clicks to set up.

  • Place the forms on a page on your site, allowing potential customers to contact you
  • Get potential clients’ names, email addresses, phone numbers, and more delivered straight into your pipeline.

Smart Filter

Segment your contacts, companies or deals based on specific characteristics. Custom filters allow you to quickly and easily see which contacts, companies, or deals meet the criteria you’ve set at any given time. Example:

  • View deals owned by Paul whose deal value is less than 2500 USD from Australian region
  • View deals in the US where deal value is greater than 45000 USD and the deals are in the Negotiation stage

Just create a filter with those conditions and apply. It’s that simple!

Data Import & Export

We’ve made it very easy to import your existing data to UpStreamCloud CRM, or export it into another software. Our system checks for duplicates or incomplete entries.

  • Combined import flow for all data objects means you need just one import session to get all your CRM data into your UpStreamCloud.
  • You can download your customer data at any time, and you can also use our API to download all or some of it.
